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With remotebmi you can communicate to models using the Basic Model Interface using a RESTful API. The REST API specification uses the OpenAPI format.

Documentation for the implementations in specific languages are available separately:

Quick start

Python consumer


pip install remotebmi

A client can connect to a running server with the following code.

from remotebmi import RemoteBmiClient

model = RemoteBmiClient('http://localhost:50051')
# Now you can use the BMI methods on model
# for example

A client can also start a Apptainer container containing the model and the server.

from remotebmi import BmiClientApptainer

model = BmiClientApptainer('my_model.sif', work_dir='/tmp')

The client picks a random port and expects the container to run the BMI web server on that port. The port is passed to the container using the BMI_PORT environment variable.

A client can also start a Docker container containing the model and the server.

from remotebmi import BmiClientDocker

model = BmiClientDocker('ewatercycle/wflowjl:0.7.3', work_dir='/tmp')

The BMI web server inside the Docker container should be running on port 50051. If the port is different, you can pass the port as the image_port argument to the BmiClientDocker constructor.

Python provider

Given you have a model class called MyModel in a package mypackage then the web service can be started with the following command.

BMI_MODULE=mypackage BMI_CLASS=MyModel run-bmi-server 

For example leakybucket:

pip install leakybucket
BMI_MODULE=leakybucket.leakybucket_bmi BMI_CLASS=LeakyBucketBmi run-bmi-server

and the client can connect to it with the following code.

> from remotebmi import RemoteBmiClient
> client = RemoteBmiClient('http://localhost:50051')
> client.get_component_name()

Julia provider

Given you have a model class called MyModel and a BMI called BMI inside the MyPackage package.

using MyPackage
import RemoteBMI.Server: run_bmi_server

port = parse(Int, get(ENV, "BMI_PORT", "50051"))
run_bmi_server(MyPackage.Model, "", port)

Julia consumer

import RemoteBMI.Client: BMIClient
import BasicModelInterface as BMI
model = BMIClient("http://localhost:50555")

R provider

Given you have a model called ModelBmi that has a BMI inside a MyModel R library.


port = as.integer(Sys.getenv("BMI_PORT", 50051))
serve(MyModel::ModelBmi$new(), port=port, host="localhost")