RemoteBMI.jl Documentation
The Basic Model Interface (BMI) is a standard interface for models.
To have a consumer of the model and the provider of the model seperated you can use REST API.
remotebmi provides a BMI http client and server, in Python, R and Julia.
— ModuleRemoteBmi module.
For server use
julia> import RemoteBMI.Server: run_bmi_server
julia> using Heat
julia> run_bmi_server(Heat.Model, "localhost", 8000)
[ Info: Listening on:, thread id: 1
For client use
julia> import RemoteBMI.Client: BMIClient
julia> import BasicModelInterface as BMI
julia> model = BMIClient("http://localhost:8000")
julia> model = BMI.initialize(model, "config_file")
julia> BMI.get_component_name(model)
"The 2D Heat Equation"